
NoTify - Stop getting distracted at Work!

Download NoTify v1.1.7 for MacOS

PreFilter PreNotifications

User Guide

  1. Initially, your ‘Important’ inbox will be empty! To add any customizations, you should click the ‘Filter’ button in the top right, and add filters.

  2. The app works by reading your Notification center, so make sure to turn on Slack/Messenger/Messages/Calendar/Mail desktop notifications in the respective desktop apps! (You will need to use the desktop app versions of each of these services in order to see them)

  3. Mute your notifications on a system level by turning on “Do Not Disturb” - this lets you use NoTify as your sole source of notifications.

    • (optional) Add NoTify to ‘Allowed Apps’ in the Do Not Disturb focus (in System Settings > Focus > Do Not Disturb) if you wish to get Desktop notifications too for the messages that you marked as ‘Sound On’
  4. Click on notification groups to expand them! You can also use keyboard shortcuts to navigate (try pressing space to toggle keyboard mode on and off, and in this mode try tab, up arrow, and down arrow to navigate or e to expand the selected notification group)

Have feature requests (e.g. request for support for more Apps), or want to join the waitlist for updates? Email us at and/or, or fill out this form

How It Works

We give you fine-grained controls to filter out the notifications you receive and only show/alert you about the stuff that matters. Never worry about having to constantly flip over to your inbox to see if that one important customer has responded yet so that you can respond within 5 minutes - NoTify will recognize that they are important and notify you loudly 🔊!

Instead of having your 2 chat apps, email, and custom alerting tools all open taking up a whole monitor on your desk, just keep NoTify open on the side! Think of it like an inbox for your notifications. As a bonus, if you hit Inbox 0 on your notifications, you will be rewarded with a nice picture for your diligence, and you can go back to coding in peace.

We have support (on MacOS) for Slack, Messenger, the Mail app, Calendar, and Messages - feel free to request more!

The app is entirely Client-side and simply reads and structures your notifications from ‘Notification Center’, applying your chosen filters before showing them to you.

Why NoTify

Yes, Slack is your #1 distraction. Slack is not where deep work happens. Slack is ruining work. It has been described as death by a thousand pings.

Every developer has felt the pain of spending all day responding to notifications on Slack and not getting any actual coding done. So much so that we all often turn off all notifications, close Slack, and enter ‘focus mode’ to get work done.

But, eventually, Slack wins out and we end up opening the app again. Why? Because, perhaps we missed an important direct message from a manager or a project partner. But, often that isn’t the case, yet we still proceed to spend time clicking through every unread channel and wading through notification hell.

Worst of all, there are 10 other apps like Gmail, iMessage, and Calendar that are all sending you notifications with varying degrees of importance.

Death by notification is such a problem for all of us that we’ve each come up with various half-baked solutions to deal with it! However, no matter what focus mode you customize, how many slack channels you mute, and how many apps you silence, those pesky notifications still come through or get blocked at seemingly the most inconvenient times.

And crucially, you still periodically open Slack and other apps because of that fear of missing out on something.

That’s why we built NoTify - to only allow the notifications that matter!

Using NoTify ourselves has been such a breeze and we have become dependent on it to have those real focus periods of work where we can go back to building. We cannot imagine a world without it.